Easter Sunday- Claims and Counter Claims

Easter Sunday- Claims and Counter Claims

Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith is facing a serious dilemma to answer or not to answer the allegations made by Ousted President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s letter refuting the latter’s allegations.

Sources close to the Catholic Church observe that many are manipulating the issue by distracting the Cardinal aby making statements and this is further delaying justice to the victims .

On the other hand there is a group within the Catholic Church that the acquisitions made by Gothabahaya Rajapaksha warrants a strong response, although there is nothing new in what he is saying.

Gotabhaya Rajapaksha denies that he said to the Cardinal after reciveing the report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry (PCOI), which probed the Easter Sunday terror attacks (2019), that it was difficult to implement the PCOI recommendations because such action would warrant the banning of individuals and organizations that were supportive of him.
The Cardinal should have asked him who these individuals and organizations are and now its timely to make this information public as two of the main Opposition parties have pledged to hold fresh investigations and probe in to the missing links.
The other issues raised by Cothabaya such as the Easter attack was purely a attack organized by a group of Muslim extremist and he did not interfeare in the removel of officers who were investigating the attack are issues that have been very much debated before.

Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith has held Gotabaya responsible for the non-implementation of the Presidential Commission recommendations.

Meanwhile the Parliament debate on the Easter bombings has ended without any worthwhile out comes other than what has already been talked

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