Myanmar’s Refugee Crisis Deepens: Over 3 Million Displaced

Myanmar’s Refugee Crisis Deepens: Over 3 Million Displaced

The United Nations has declared a sombre milestone for Myanmar as the number of people displaced by conflict surpasses 3 million, marking a significant escalation in the country’s humanitarian crisis. This surge, a 50 percent increase over the past six months, is attributed to intensified fighting between the military and armed groups since the coup in February 2021.

According to the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Myanmar, the nation faces an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, with millions forced to flee their homes in search of safety. Over 90 percent of the internally displaced population were driven from their homes due to the conflict triggered by the coup.




The crisis is most acute in north-western regions like Chin, Magway, and Sagaing, as well as the south-eastern areas, where over 900,000 people have been displaced. Additionally, the western state of Rakhine, still reeling from a brutal military crackdown in 2017, hosts around 356,000 displaced individuals, including Rohingya Muslims who fled to Bangladesh.

Military Rule 

Myanmar’s descent into chaos began with the military seizure of power from the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi, sparking mass protests that evolved into armed resistance. The situation escalated further with ethnic armed groups joining anti-coup fighters, launching offensives in northern Shan and western Rakhine states.

As conflict rages on, humanitarian needs have skyrocketed, with 18.6 million people now requiring assistance. However, efforts to provide aid are hindered by gross underfunding, with less than 5 percent of required funds received so far.

The military’s actions, including air attacks on civilians and obstructing humanitarian aid, have drawn international condemnation. Despite agreeing to a peace plan with ASEAN, the generals have continued their violent crackdown, resulting in thousands of deaths and tens of thousands detained, including Aung San Suu Kyi.

As the crisis deepens, Myanmar nationals continue to flee to neighboring countries like Mizoram, evading recruitment by militant groups. Reports indicate fresh arrivals seeking refuge, underscoring the urgent need for international action to address Myanmar’s escalating humanitarian catastrophe.

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